Useful Links
Please click on the underlined links for more details:
Crossroads - https://www.crossroadsnorthargyll.co.uk/
Crossroads (North Argyll) is a locally managed charity in North Argyll covering Oban, Lorn and the Isles. Their aim is to provide a local respite service to enable those looking after a relative/friend/neighbour to have some time to themselves.
ACUMEN ⋆ Advancing Community Understanding of Mental & Emotional Needs (ramh.org)
Supported Self-Care Planning - Look after yourself, every day - A New Free Service from ACUMEN with support from The Listening Service at The Lade Centre and Support in Mind Scotland for Anyone Living in Argyll & Bute.
Lorn & Oban Healthy Options - https://www.lornhealthyoptions.co.uk/
Healthy Options is a charity working with people who have, or are at risk of developing, life-long health conditions. We deliver a specialist service which supports people to learn the skills and tools to self-manage their health and wellbeing.
Re-engage: Charity Supporting Older People Through Volunteering (reengage.org.uk)
Re-engage provides vital, life-enhancing social connections for older people at a time in their lives when their social circles are diminishing.
AliEnergy - https://www.alienergy.org.uk/
Offers advice and support on Affordable Warmth for Carers.
Oban Dementia Resource Centre - Oban Dementia Resource Centre | Alzheimer Scotland (alzscot.org)
The centre aims to support people with dementia, their families, relatives and friends at any stage of the illness.
The Dove Centre - https://www.obanhospice.org.uk/
The Dove Centre is a drop-in centre at 24 Stevenson Street, Oban. It is similar to Maggie's Centres, supporting people with cancer at all stages of their journey.
Hope Kitchen – https://www.hopekitchen.org.uk/
Hope kitchen is a local charity that aims to serve Oban, Lorn and the Isles. Hope kitchen comprises new hope community hub and cafe and green shoots community garden. “Providing a welcoming environment for all through food, friendship and fellowship, where people have the opportunity to exercise self-determination, make positive choices and maintain their independence.”
MECOPP – https://www.mecopp.org.uk/about
By working in partnership with carers, the voluntary and statutory sectors, MECOPP actively seeks to challenge and dismantle barriers that deny Black and Minority Ethnic carers access to health, social work and other social care services.
Argyll and Bute Telecare Service - https://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/sites/default/files/telecare_leaflet-june21.pdf
Telecare is an alarm service which can be used to call for help in the event of a fall, feeling unwell or when in need of emergency assistance or support. Simplicity is at the heart of the Telecare’s 24-hour service while enabling you, a friend, relative or patient to remain or return home.
North Argyll Volunteer Car Scheme (NAVCS) Telephone: 01852 300434
Provide subsidised journeys for their clients using volunteer drivers (who are reimbursed by the group at the HMRC approved mileage rate) and employ a paid part time coordinator. They cover the community council areas of Seil & Easdale, Luing, Kilninver & Kilmelford, Glenorchy & Innishail, Avich & Kilchrenan, and Taynuilt.
Argyll and Bute Flexible Food Fund - https://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/news/2021/jan/argyll-and-bute-flexible-food-fund
The Argyll and Bute Flexible Food Fund (ABFFF) offers financial support and wider confidential professional help to anyone suffering hardship. Working in partnership with the Community Food Forum, Bute Advice Centre and ALIenergy, households with low incomes and no access to cash savings can apply for immediate financial support. The Fund will help support daily living expenses.
Argyll Wellbeing Hub (Formerly Martyn’s Monday Club) - https://argyllwellbeinghub.com/
Argyll Wellbeing Hub promotes peer to peer self help for those that are, or have, suffered with any mental health illness, or other issues which makes them feel down, sad or isolated. Their vision is to prevent suicide, raise awareness, improve lives, provide a safe, comfortable place to talk and to increase social connectedness.
Argyll And Bute Care And Repair - https://abcr.org.uk/
Argyll And Bute Care And Repair are an independent registered charity, funded via the Argyll and Bute Health And Social Care Partnership to provide practical advice and assistance, technical services and helpful information to the elderly and/or disabled to enable them to remain in their own homes in comfort for as long as they wish. They provide free confidential advice on disabled adaption grants advice and assistance, minor aids & adaptation installations (e.g., grabrails & bannisters), installation of safety & security devices such as smoke, CO2, heat and flood alarms, telecare installations and they also offer a private small repairs & handyperson service.
Self Directed Support Scotland - https://www.sdsscotland.org.uk/
SDSS champions local Independent Support organisations who provide quality advice and support on Self-directed Support. They campaign for true SDS implementation when it comes to social care delivery throughout Scotland.
Carr Gomm - https://www.carrgomm.org/self-directed-support
Carr Gomm offer advice on Self-Directed Support (SDS), which aims to give people full opportunity to take control of their support and their lives. It is for people of all ages who, after assessment, are eligible for social care and support from their local authority. They offer a seven step guide to help you understand the SDS process and get the best out of it.
Isle Of Tiree:
- https://www.curamtiree.co.uk/
Caring for the people of Tiree. - Cùram Thiriodh is a community based third sector organisation which works in partnership with health and social work on the island to enable elderly and vulnerable people to live in their community for longer.
Solar Project has been established by Cùram Thiriodh to ensure no one on Tiree goes without food and household essentials. We are living through difficult times, and the COVID 19 Pandemic is affecting many in our community.