“Gave me a great deal of insight into my own feelings of anger and frustration and how to cope with them"
'Time for Me' session
Rural & Islands Carer Support
Outreach Carer Support Mainland
Kathleen House is our Rural Mainland Outreach Support Worker supporting carers from Appin in the North, to Dalmally in the East.
Abbie Armstrong is our Rural Mainland Outreach Support Worker supporting carers in Kilmelford in the South with everywhere in between, and also visits Lismore, Kerrera & Luing. Abbie is also supporting our Isle of Mull carers until we recruit an island based member of our team.
Outreach Carer Support Islands
At North Argyll Carers Centre we have a small team of dedicated Island carer Support Workers. All island workers are part-time.
Our Island carer Support Workers can visit you in your own home, at a date and time convenient to you, to discuss your caring role and help you complete your Carers Support Plan.
They will have up to date information on grants & help available to carers.
We also have Outreach Support Groups meeting in rural areas, and our Support Workers can tell you more about them.
They will have the latest information from North Argyll Carers Centre to share with you.

Rural & Mainland
Abbie Armstrong
Carer Support Worker
Rural Mainland (South of Oban)
Email: abbie@northargyllcarers.org.uk
07823 824766

Rural & Mainland
Kathleen House
Carers Support Worker Rural Mainland (North & East of Oban)
Isle of Tiree
Isle of Coll