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Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice
North Argyll Carers Centre undertakes to respect and protect the personal information (data) you or your family have provided us with, or that we get from other organisations, and to keep it safe. We are committed to collecting the minimum amount of information needed and holding this information only when it is required. For the purposes of GDPR we are the controllers and processors of the data.

This policy will outline what kinds of data we collect, why we collect it, how we will use, share, and store it, what your rights are, and how you can contact us to manage, edit or delete this information.  You can contact us regarding your personal data or information, or to request a printed (or large print) copy of this privacy policy using the contact details below:


Telephone: 01631 564422

Address:  North Argyll Carers Centre, Albany Street, OBAN PA34 4AL




Who we are

North Argyll Carers Centre is a local independent charity (Charity No.SC040902) and a Company Limited by Guarantee (Company No. SC362935). We provide a range of person centred, practical and emotional support services to unpaid carers across North Argyll.



When do we collect information?

We collect information about you when you register with the Carers’ Centre or when you are referred to us by another organisation. We also record brief details of any further contact we have with you e.g. visits and calls made by us or you as part of our ongoing support for you, attendance at events and activities and information from other services which is provided to us to help us support you as fully as possible.

If you are a paid employee or volunteer with us, then we will obtain and retain information about you from your recruitment application. If you are in paid employment with us, or receive a travel or subsistence allowance as a volunteer, we will collect your financial information (bank account details)

If you are a donor, we will collect financial information (direct debit / standing order details), and whether your donations are gift-aided.



What kinds of information do we collect and why?

If you are a carer, North Argyll Carers Centre may collect different types of personal data directly from or about you, depending on the activities or services we are offering and that you are taking part in or using.  This can include your name, address, telephone number, email, date of birth, data relating to your personal and caring situations, religion, medical

data (if pertinent to the activities or services), and some financial data if you are receiving a financial grant from us.

For some of our services, we will collect or store information relating to your health. This information will only be held with your explicit consent and we will take extra care to ensure your privacy rights are protected.

We collect information about you and your caring role, in order to:

  • provide information, advice and support to you in relation to your caring role;

  • seek your views or comments on the services we provide;

  • invite you to be involved in consultations about wider carer issues

  • notify you of changes to our services;

  • inform our future service development

  • provide anonymised monitoring information to our service commissioners and funders, to demonstrate the take up and effectiveness of services

  • send you details of upcoming activities, carer focussed news, and information about how you could support our work, if you have given us consent to contact you in these circumstances

  • respond to information requests and enquiries


We will only contact you for marketing purposes if you have given us consent to do so, and will communicate with you by post, phone, SMS or email depending on the preferences you have indicated to us.


If you are an employee or volunteer, we may collect name, address, date of birth, employment history, references, disclosure, professional certificates, details of emergency contacts, medical conditions. For paid employees we will collect and retain records relating to your ongoing employment with us.



Our Website

We do not use cookies or collect usage data from our website (, other than via a visitor counter which only records the total number of times the site has been visited. If you use our online contact form, the details you input will be sent to us via email. We will use the contact email and information you supply to respond to your enquiry, but we will not use your details for unsolicited contact.


Our website contains hyperlinks to many other websites. We are not responsible for the content or functionality of any of those external websites (but please let us know if a link is not working by using the 'Contact us' link at the top of the page).

If an external website requests personal information from you the information you provide will not be covered by North Argyll Carers Centre’s Privacy Policy. We suggest you read the privacy policy of any website before providing any personal information.



How do we protect your information?

We employ a variety of physical and technical measures to keep your data safe and to prevent unauthorised access to, use or disclosure of your personal information. 


Electronic data and databases are stored on secure computer systems and we control who has access to information (using both physical and electronic means).


Our staff receive data protection training and we have a set of detailed data protection procedures which personnel are required to follow when handling personal data.


When will we share information about you?

We will never sell your personal data and will only ever share it with organisations we work with where necessary and if its privacy and security are guaranteed. This could include sharing data with third party organisations who provide a service to us and are acting as data processors, for example, to administer payroll services, and partners who support us in the delivery of services to you. We will undertake due diligence on these organisations and will require them to comply strictly with our instructions and data protection policies and legislation.  We regularly monitor all our data processors.


If you request that we refer you to a third-party organisation we will only undertake this with your permission.


Under our agreement with Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership we may be required to share your personal information (name, address, age, ethnic background, and details of the caring role) in order for you to access support identified through a Carer Support Plan or Young Carer Statement.


We are required by Scottish Government to supply pseudonymised data relating to the support we provide to carers. This is done for the purpose of research to inform the Government about the impact of The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016. You as an individual cannot be identified from these data when published.



We may also share your data in the following circumstances:

  • Where we must comply with laws such as those for national security, taxation, or criminal investigations.

  • Where we must undertake due diligence, to be sure we are not being used as a channel for criminal activities.


North Argyll Carers Centre has a legal duty to disclose some information:

  • Safeguarding concerns will be reported to Children’s Services / Adult Social Care;

  • Drug trafficking, money laundering, acts of terrorism or treason will be disclosed to the police;

  • In addition, colleagues believing an illegal act has taken place will be required to report this to the appropriate authorities.

We will always inform you of any disclosure.



Legal grounds and Legitimate Interest 

When you contact us for information, advice or support relating to your caring role you are engaging with us in an agreement for the provision of those agreed services (known as a ‘contract’ for lawful processing).

When we collect and use your personal information, we will make sure this is only done in accordance with at least one of the legal bases available to us under the General Data Protection Regulations.

In all cases, we balance our legitimate interests against your rights as an individual and make sure we only use personal information in a way or for a purpose that you would reasonably expect and that does not intrude on your privacy or previously expressed marketing preferences. 

Where we process sensitive personal data we will make sure that we only do so in accordance with one of the additional lawful grounds for processing such as where we have your explicit consent or you have made that information manifestly public. When we do this, we will tell you what sensitive personal data we are collecting and why. 




If you provide your consent to us we may contact you for marketing purposes by post, telephone, email or text message. By opting in to communication from North Argyll Carers Centre you grant us the right to use the communication methods you indicate for the marketing purposes for which you give explicit consent e.g. advising you of upcoming events and activities, providing you with newsletters, inviting you to take part in consultations and for fundraising


It is always your choice as to whether you want to receive information about our work, how we raise funds and the ways you can get involved. You can change any of your contact preferences or opt-out of our marketing communications all together.

We will not use your personal information for marketing purposes if you have indicated that you do not wish to be contacted by us for such purposes. To change your marketing preferences contact us using the one of the contact methods below:


Telephone: 01631 564422

Address:  North Argyll Carers Centre, Albany Street, OBAN PA34 4AL




How long will we hold your information?

We will only hold this data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it is provided to us.  We will dispose of unnecessary personal data using secure deletion methods (electronic) or shredding.  We will contact you periodically (at least every 4 years) to confirm that the data we hold about you is accurate and up-to-date and that we may continue to contact you.  We will then update our records accordingly.

We may aggregate and anonymise personal data so that it can no longer be linked to any particular person. This information can be used for a variety of purposes, such as reporting to funders and identifying trends to help inform our actions and improve our services.



How can you manage or delete the information we have about you?

Your rights regarding the data we hold and collect about you are outlined in the data protection policies and legislation of the United Kingdom and, from 25 May 2018, the European Union.  These include: the right to access, edit and update, request the deletion of, and restrict the processing of your personal information, the right to object to the collection of your personal data and the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority about your personal information. 

If you would like to find out what personal information/data we hold about you, delete any of this data, (e.g. remove your name from any of our mailing lists), update your communication preferences or if you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy please contact us.


If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).  You can contact the ICO on - 

Telephone:  01631 564422

Address:   Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF



Privacy and young and/or vulnerable people

This privacy policy applies to everyone, including those who are vulnerable, young people and children. To take part in an activity or service or provide any personal data to us, young people under the age of 13 must have permission or consent of a parent or guardian.  North Argyll Carers Centre will seek such consent where necessary.



Changes in our Privacy Policy

We will notify you through a notice on our website, or in some cases directly by your preferred form of communication, of any significant changes to this Privacy Policy.  This notice will be clearly highlighted on the North Argyll Carers Centre website for a month after the changes have been made.  The effective date of each update will be displayed at the beginning of this statement.


This Privacy Policy will be reviewed annually, and North Argyll Carers Centre reserves the right to modify this statement at any time. 



Date created: 15th May 2018


Last reviewed: 24th October 2018

For information on any of our support groups please call us at the centre on 01631 56 44 22

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North Argyll Carers Centre, Albany Street, Oban, PA34 4AL
Reg. Charity No: SCO40902    Company No: SC362935
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