First of all, this is not my photograph, but I wish it was.
Sometimes it's worth getting up early and forcing yourself to get out there and enjoy the moment. Occasionally I've been known to throw on my coat over my pyjamas and head off in the car to watch the sunrise, and I have been rewarded with some beautiful moments captured on my camera.
It's a bit of a lottery though. Leaving the house in the pitch dark to head to a favourite photography spot, who knows whether the sun will rise through the morning mist to make the perfect shot? But when everything works out it's well worth the effort.
So often in life we have to take a chance and just head out and hope that we get the results we want.
We've got our monthly quiz at the Zoom Coffee Morning today at 10.30am - drop me a message if you'd like the code to join - mairi@northargyllcarers.org.uk There's a prize for the winner!
Has anyone seen the new 'green isle' in Homebase? What a good idea.

Please note there will be no Zoom groups tomorrow as I am presenting at the National Carers Conference online.
Our next group will be the Healthy Village Group on Thursday at 11.00am. One not to miss!

Hope to see you on Zoom soon.