Last night we lit our 'Liles to Remember' display in North Argyll Carers Centre, as part of this year's To Absent Friends Festival.
Each lily remembers a loved one who has been lost, and carers have written messages to their loved ones on the individual petals.
It feels very special for me to have been able to create this now, when so many have lost loved ones this year particularly, and I was touched to be joined by so many last night on such a wet and wild Winter evening in Oban.
The lilies will be lit again on Friday evening when you can look in on them from Albany Street.
What a weekend it's been! We saw the highest tide for many years on the loch beside our house on Saturday.
A short dry spell on Friday allowed me to plant my collection of colourful tulip bulbs. Then yesterday I nipped out to fill up the peanut holders for the squirrels, and saw a garden full of deep holes! Apparently squirrels love tulip bulbs. So maybe I won't have the glorious colourful display I was looking forward to in the Spring! I'll have to forgive the squirrels anyway as they're still as cute as ever though.
A bit of Googling suggested sprinkling coffee grounds on the flower beds as apparently squirrels don't like the smell of coffee. Hopefully that won't stop them coming to the peanuts now. Nothing's straight forward!!
This picture made me laugh at the weekend. Where are you on the 'squirrel scale' today?

I think I'm probably a 9 today!
Stay safe.