It's been a challenging time for us all working from home since March, and we are all feeling the effects a bit, so the gift of an extra week's annual leave is going to be very much appreciated.
While all our staff will be on Annual Leave from Monday 28th September our phone line will still be manned so please call 01631 564422 if you have an emergency enquiry.
I'm so grateful to our Manager and Board of Directors for acknowledging all of our hard work since lockdown.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this beautiful weather continues, and I will finally be able to spend a bit of quality time out with my camera.
We'll all be back at work on Monday 5th October.
Please note that there will be no Zoom Groups next week. I hope to see you back at the Coffee Morning on Tuesday 6th October, and at my other groups that week.
Please also note that there is a new Zoom code for the Coffee Morning, which you should receive by email if you're on my list. Drop me a line if you haven't got the new code by next week - mairi@northargyllcarers.org.uk
Now to finish my reports, and then I'm off.
Happy Friday!