If you're following my blog regularly you will know how much I'm enjoying watching all the local birds and their growing families close to home. Lots of Greylag and Canada Geese have been proudly escorting their babies out on the loch over the last week and it's great to see them on my daily walks.
As I approached home on Sunday afternoon I met another neighbour who informed me that I'd just missed the most amazing sight. Two massive Sea Eagles had just flown off with goslings in their beaks. I was quite glad I'd missed that! I've never seen Sea Eagles that close to home, and I know it's part of nature, but a sad part for me.
Later the same day we heard a lot of commotion from the water and rushed out to check what was happening. This swan was aggressively attacking the families of geese, swimming in and breaking up the groups of goslings from their parents. At one point it had homed in on one gosling and managed to chase it ashore, almost succeeding in grabbing it by the neck. Luckily it got away, and eventually the families of geese headed away to the other side of the loch.
Now there are no geese to watch close to home, but there are still some further up the loch and I'm hopeful that some of the babies will survive.
The lone swan patrols his territory now.
Swans mate for life, and his partner was killed many years ago, so he returns here alone every year. What a shame that he can't become an adopted member of another family, like the geese for example. A cruel side to nature.
Most of us humans are much luckier than the swan, with family and friends to keep us company and help us through the sad and lonely times. Even now, when we can't get close enough to anyone to hug them, I hope we know that there's someone there for us.
Our team at North Argyll Carers Centre are always there for you so you should never feel alone. I'm glad I'm not a swan.
Sorry that seems like a bit of a sad story for today, but it's part of life, and part of my life.
Working from home, and being in Lockdown has been very different for me, and I am thankful that as time goes on I am learning new ways to support carers without being able to give them hugs, or make them smile in person.
I hope we can all hold on to something positive from this time.
One of the new ways of working is by connecting through Zoom. It takes a bit of getting used to, but every time I run a session I learn something new.
As the saying goes - every day's a school day!
I hope you will give Zoom a try. I'm happy to talk you through set up over the phone beforehand.
Today's our weekly Zoom Coffee Morning, held at 10.30am every Tuesday, and we'll be having a special Carers Quiz today as part of Carers Week. Our very own Quizmaster Zivile will be in charge. And there's a prize for the winner! Hope you can join us.
One of the really great things about running our groups remotely is that carers from all over the area can join in. It's great to welcome carers from the islands who wouldn't normally be part of our mainland groups.
My Mindfulness Group is staring on Thursday, 11th June, 10.30am on Zoom. Let me know if you'd like to join - mairi@northargyllcarers.org.uk
And here's something more cheery for the day -
Aww :)
See you soon I hope.