I stopped the car to take photos of the lovely Highland calves while driving through Glen Lonan yesterday, but this one was making sure I didn't get too close. Something I've never really thought about before - cows must have really good eye sight! This one never took it's eyes off me from the moment I got out the car, which was quite a way away from them.
We braved going out. Visited an Artmap exhibition, which was lovely. As I chatted to Ewen Munro (who works with us at Young Carers) I realised how long it had been since I'd actually seen him anywhere other than on Zoom! Ewen is exhibiting his fabulous photographs, along with Lucy Gray's absolutely beautiful sculptures, so if you fancy a trip out to Airds Bay I recommend visiting their studio space. It was good to do something 'normal' again too.

Ewen is also selling very reasonably priced cards featuring his great photos.
You can check the whole Artmap trail on here - https://artmapargyll.co.uk/
I'm so pleased that everyone has been able to open up again this year.
And here's a funny video from Facebook for smiles on a Monday morning -
Happy Monday. The sun is shining again!