An amazing thing happened at the Zoom Knitting Bee last night.
We were joined by my friend Suzita, who lives in Nepal. Suzi loves knitting and had sent me photos of her latest knitting, so we both thought it would be fun if she could join us on Zoom.
Suzi is used to using Zoom as her daughter has been doing all her schooling on Zoom since the start of Lockdown over in Nepal. Hopefully she will send us some photos of their Diwali celebrations in the coming week.
One of our young carers had been learning all about Diwali at school, and she was able to show us all the lamp she had made, and her beautiful writing, which Suzi captured as a screenshot. Making the world a smaller place.

And how lovely to think that this time last week we were celebrating our own Festival of Light, with out Lilies to Remember in the Carers Centre.
Now if only I could zoom over to Kathmandu to take photos myself! Maybe next year.
I think we should all have a Festival of Light at this time of year!
If you'd like to make your own Diwali feast have a look here - https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/what-is-diwali-and-how-is-it-celebrated
And since it's Friday, here's a jigsaw to keep you amused - https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=20be2d5e9d7d
On Monday we have a special day of writing as part of this year's Book Week Scotland, so please let me know if you'd like to join us on Zoom - mairi@northargyllcarers.org.uk

I hope you find some light this weekend.
Stay safe.