Now more than ever our local posties are providing a vital service, keeping supplies and information circulating, and helping to keep families in touch. No amount of Facebook or WhatsApp messaging could make me smile (and cry) as much as the flat brown box that the postie slipped through my door on Friday afternoon, containing beautiful Mothers Day flowers from my daughter in South Wales. Our posties are providing a vital lifeline and I wanted to show my appreciation somehow, so decided to pop a wee picture on the door today, hopefully to bring a smile to the postie's face. I'll keep changing the picture regularly - and maybe look for some funny jokes too. Nice to think we can brighten up someone's day for a minute, and you can too.
Goodness, I seem to have gone from a feeling of being overwhelmed yesterday, not knowing where to start to help, or what to say, to having a mind buzzing with ideas, fingers that can't type fast enough to keep up with emails and messages, and a brain that's full of positivity, and a mailbox full of links to positive things to share with you all.

I just read this wonderful post on Facebook which I have to share; Thanks Karen McCoss for sharing this.
I've now got many, many ideas for online sharing with you next week, so keep an eye on your emails for invitations to join me. It makes such a difference to see some friendly faces and we can do this. (Think I've almost worked it out!)
We will have a chance to practice Mindfulness together soon.
And if you'd like to join me, and are not sure if I've got your email address, then drop me a note at I look forward to hearing from you. Mairi