I've thanked my postie many times this year, for delivering my endless online purchases of everything from toothpaste to a mini-greenhouse, and seeing the post van draw up outside when I'm confined to home most of the time always brings a smile to my face.
On Christmas Jumper day our current postie outdid me, with her stripy elf tights and elf jumper, and we both had a good laugh.
I gave her a bottle of wine as a Christmas thank you for all the hard work she's doing, and then yesterday she turned up at the door with a handmade gift of delicious tablet. That brought a tear to my eye.
It really doesn't take much to bring a smile to someone's face in these dark and scary times.
Love the ones you're with, and reach out to those that are alone.
So much has happened in the 7 days since I wrote my last blog post, and I know that every one of us will have been affected by the latest developments in the pandemic. But no matter how bad the thought of Christmas without our loved ones seems, remember that there are always people much worse off than us. If ever there was a time to count your blessings then now's the time, however difficult it might seem to find them.
This is 2020, the year of perseverance, flexibility, and creativity triumphing over restrictions, distance and uncertainty.
Wishing you a safe and peaceful Christmas, and looking forward to a new year and days when we can all hug again. It will happen!