I have a folder on my computer named 'Out of Place' which contains photographs of random finds in strange places. There's a hot water bottle in the woods, and a parsnip on the beach, to name just a few. Maybe one day there will be enough photos to make a book?
Yesterday I found this sofa in the old steading that I walk past most days, and I was surprised to see it there.
The question is 'is it out of place?'. You wouldn't expect to find it there, but maybe it's a really good place for it to be? When the farmer has stopped for his lunch he can put his feet up and relax on the sofa for a bit.
Sometimes we're too bound by conventions. Think outside the box a bit - free your imagination. It feels good.
Our friends at The Dochas Carers Centre in Lochgilphead are running a wee competition for carers gardens - Still time to vote here:
Lovely chat at today's Coffee Morning as always. Thanks for joining me.
See you tomorrow.