I've walked in this place hundreds of times over the last 25 years, and yet yesterday was the first time I'd really seen this. I turned to look back at the dog (Can you see her?) and saw this perfect tunnel through the trees. The old trailer was parked in just the right place to add to the picture too, and of course the beautiful Autumn light was just enhancing everything.
So next time you walk somewhere that seems so familiar to you, open your eyes and look for something that you might just have missed.
It made me think of Alice in Wonderland.

Talking of tunnels - the proposed ideas for fixing the problems at the Rest & Be Thankful have been published. Have a read at this article which has links to the proposals, and have your say. This could make a massive difference to businesses in Argyll - https://www.obantimes.co.uk/2020/09/23/11-options-unveiled-for-a83-and-where-to-find-them/
The Scottish Government advice to people who were shielding remains unchanged – you do not need to shield at this time. You can sign up for the SMS service. Through this service people that were shielding can receive alerts and updates straight to their mobile phones. Text 07860 064525 with your CHI number at the top of your shielding letter or go to http://mygov.scot/shielding for further information.
And finally today, for anyone interested in crafts - Aldi are selling lots of knitting & sewing supplies this week.
The sun's shining again! Hope you can get out and enjoy it.