Who else finds the theme tune from Neighbours conjuring up memories of pregnancy and babies? I think the only time I ever watched the programme was during those days, when it provided the perfect opportunity to put my feet up for a rest in front of the telly, mug of tea in hand, with a belly swollen and heavy with the life within. They say babies can hear music when they're still in the womb, and will recognise music that they heard regularly before birth. I had some particularly soothing music that I used to play to my bump over and over, in the hope that it would help relax the baby after birth. Not sure that it worked! That particular baby failed to sleep through the night till age 3 and no amount of soothing music changed that.

Yesterday my best pal shared this beautiful letter that she received from her wee 5 year old neighbour. So special.
I hope that right now we all have neighbours who are looking out for us. Maybe you have a teddy bear at your window as part of one of the Teddy Bear Hunts featured on Facebook? https://www.facebook.com/groups/2606836502869458/
Or maybe you have one of those thumbs up, thumbs down posters in your window to tell the neighbours how you are?

It warms my heart to hear good news stories about neighbours helping each other during this strange and worrying time. I like to think that when it's safe for us all to return to 'normal' one day, that keeping an eye on our neighbours will part of the new 'normal', as it was in the old days, before social media and mobile phones sucked us all in and took over every waking minute for many.
One gift that Covid 19 has given all of us right now is time. Time to stop and look up at a window as you walk past. Time to slow down on the daily dog walk.
Today as I walked up to the main road with the dog a big lorry drove past, and the driver slowed down and gave me a great cheery wave. I smiled the whole time I was out walking, despite the torrential rain and strong wind driving it into every gap in my clothing.
I'm going to wave to every passing lorry driver now as I silently thank them for keeping the country running by delivering vital supplies, and the occasional little luxury. I think a Walnut Whip might be my little luxury today! I'll eat it slowly and try to imagine the journey it's travelled before it reached my treat box.