When I started this wee blog last week I had no idea how it would affect me. This was to be my way of trying to bring a bit of positivity into your day every day I was working from home. Then it was the weekend. My work laptop was switched off. But my head wasn't switched off, and I've spent the last 2 days feeling like I should still be here.
We've had what must be the first completely dry weekend in Argyll for a long time, and I was fortunate to be able to get out in the hills near home, where there's virtually no likelihood of meeting anyone pretty much all year. My Fitbit is even happier with me!
My friends in Nepal have left Kathmandu to be with their family in the mountains where they have been self sufficient forever. We shared photos online, and a trick of the light makes an image where we walk together (almost), which I'm sharing with you today. Thanks to the wonders of technology we can all stay in touch with our loved ones wherever they are, and that is what I'm thankful for today.
I have to admit that scrolling through social media to look for happy stories is getting harder every day though. But here's one that made me chuckle:
Did you join me for a Mindful walk on Friday? Did you 'see' anything that you'd normaly have missed? Would you like to do this every week?
I'm still trying to work out how this blogging works, so bear with me for a bit. I thought that everyone who subscribed would automatically get a notification when I posted a new entry, but that's not happening yet. I'll keep learning. I do get notifications when someone leaves a comment though, so please do. Look forward to hearing from you. Mairi
