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Writer's picture: Mairi FleckMairi Fleck

I can hardly believe that today is the end of my third week working from home. What a rollercoaster of emotions it's been for me, and I'm sure for you.

Things that are keeping me going:

Not watching or listening to the news.

Noticing the life around me as Spring progresses.

Feeling thankful that this isn't January!

Enjoying the extra daylight every day.

Precious conversations with family & friends.

Those treats from my box.

Yesterday I was processing photos from the carers retreat earlier this month and looking forward to sharing them with the group. Happy memories of a time before lockdown. Then disaster struck. An error message on my computer meant I was unable to open any photos on my computer. I felt quite sick. What would I do if I couldn't fix the problem and my photographs, the things I love so much, were out of bounds indefinitely? Frantically I Googled solutions, and my heart sank as it looked like a complicated problem to solve. Help!

I heard the back door opening, and my husband being welcomed by the dog. 'I've got a terrible problem on the computer' I said, voice trembling. 'Have you tried re-starting the computer?' he said. I hadn't. So I did. And as I waited for it to come back to life I hid downstairs. I went upstairs full of fear, sat down at my computer, and all was well again! All my pictures were there and accessible again. Suddenly I was filled with joy and the greatest feeling of relief. I was looking forward to the weekend again.

Sometimes the smallest thing just tips us over the edge - Be kind to yourself and don't pile too much on your back.

It looks like it might stay dry today, so I'm looking forward to my Mindful walk at 1.00pm. Hope you will be joining me in spirit.

I've been trying to find a video on YouTube that my lovely Mindfulness Teacher Jeannie made of the cone meditation, but it seems to have gone, however, here's another one of her meditations to listen to:

And to explain today's pinecone picture - I saved that image from Facebook a while back and have been meaning to try it for ages. Maybe we could all try planting a cone this weekend, and see if we have our own mini forest by the time we have our next Mindfulness Group in Oban Library? Wouldn't that be lovely!

And here's my quote for today - 'Focus is a choice - choose wisely'.

I'll leave you with that thought for the weekend.

See you on Monday. Mairi



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North Argyll Carers Centre, Albany Street, Oban, PA34 4AL
Reg. Charity No: SCO40902    Company No: SC362935
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