I'm sure we all know that feeling when it feels like we've got out of the wrong side of the bed?
The start of our day is so important as it can either set us up for our day ahead, or feel like the day's on a downward spiral right from the start.
All my life I've been told how breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And all my life I haven't felt like eating early in the day, preferring to wait till mid-morning for my 'breakfast'. Now I've reached a point in life where I can accept that that's what suits my body, and I don't need to feel bad about not eating breakfast when most other people do!
There are exceptions of course - it would be rude not to eat that full Scottish while staying in a hotel, wouldn't it? (Not that that's likely to happen for a while now!)
Make time for yourself - this feels like my mantra for the week!
With so many of us spending so much time at home this is something we can do for ourselves really easily. There's no bus to rush out for. So take your time, and enjoy your morning. Savour that first cup of tea or coffee. Mine always tastes like the best cup of the day.
My days revolve around Zooms, so this wee video of a different kind of Zooming appealed to me! -
Enjoy your morning.