I remember when my Friday treat was always a 'Crunchie', thanks to the power of advertising. I'm showing my age now!
What's your treat going to be today? I've replenished my treats box, which used to be my 'secret stash' when the children were younger and still at home. I managed to keep that box secret for years amazingly! It feels a bit like going to the Tuck Shop at school - the anticipation as I open the lid, wondering what delicious chocolate bar I should choose, and never wanting the box to be empty. (Rationing's definitely a good thing for my waistline)
Not everyone's a chocoholic like me though, and many of us won't have the luxury of being able to pick up special treats in the supermarket right now, but a treat box doesn't need to be filled with chocolate bars.
Why not look for a box or a jar today and start your own treat box filled with your own favourite treats. Maybe you'd like a reading list, or a film list? Fill your treats container with slips of paper featuring the names of your favourite films, books or music, and then when you feel in need of a pick-me-up pull out a slip of paper and follow what it says. Allow yourself to indulge - we have been given the gift of time right now.

Lovely Leonie who runs our carers 'Writing for Wellbeing' group had her book published last week, and her planned launch event featuring Oban Malt & beautiful live music had to be cancelled. Her publishers have been doing a brilliant job of promoting it though, and the other evening I found myself in a Facebook 'Watch Party', where myself and several friends were able to listen to Leonie reading excerpts from her book. Who knew such a thing existed? Another way of keeping in touch that I need to investigate!
My copy of the book arrived yesterday, so that's going to be one of my weekend treats.
You can buy a copy here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Marram-Memories-Sea-Spider-Silk/dp/1913207102/ref=sr_1_1?crid=29DF1GHMM1749&keywords=marram+leonie+charlton&qid=1585303837&sprefix=marram%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-1
And when all this craziness is over I'll invite Leonie to a book signing session and we can all bring our copies of the book in to have them signed by her. I'll definitely look forward to that.
I can't believe it's Friday already - seems like 5 minutes since last Friday's post, when I invited everyone to have a Mindful walk at 1.00pm. Lets do it again today. And remember it's not about the distance you travel, and if you can't be outdoors just walk round the sofa for a while, noticing every bit of fluff on the floor. (Unless you've been cleaning incessantly due to your confinement, then just notice the lack of fluff!) I'll think of you at 1.00pm.
I'll be back here on Monday. Have the best weekend you can have right now, and stay safe and well. Mairi