I've never ridden a horse in my life - only a donkey on Blackpool beach, but I always think it must give you the most amazing sense of freedom to ride off across our wonderful countryside.
There's a pretty special riding stable close to my house, run by a lovely horse whisperer. I was privileged to watch her at work last year during a training weekend she was running. I was looking to practice photographing moving horses for a wedding I had booked where the bridal party were arriving on horseback.
I came home and described the workshop to my husband (who has been a horse rider) as being like a yoga session for horses. There was the most amazing sense of calmness in the riding arena, and even the youngest horse and rider had a sense of stillness throughout the afternoon. My husband said this wasn't normal!
As I returned from my walk the other day I met these two horses and riders from the stable, off for a paddle in the loch, and was prompted to speak to the horse whisperer about possible opportunities to take more photographs. Sure enough she'd been meaning to contact me about just that!
Having had to cancel two adventures so far, I didn't think it was worth being at home for a whole week's holiday instead, so I've decided to take Fridays as Annual Leave for a while. Today the sun is still shining, and I have many little packets of seeds waiting to be planted for the scented garden I'm planning next to our new patio. Fingers crossed I can track down some potting compost soon. Another one of those things that's become like gold dust, along with dried yeast and hand sanitizer!
So my freedom this weekend will be wandering by the loch and photographing the horses and riders as they go swimming. I hope you can find something to give you a sense of freedom - a big challenge in these strange times. You could even just have freedom from doing the housework for a day or two.
I found a useful link to some free Mindfulness sessions: https://www.facebook.com/themindfulnessassociation/photos/a.353058931469577/2823281837780595/?type=3&theater
And for any of you with the Royal Bank of Scotland, here's a useful service they've started to help carers: https://www.obantimes.co.uk/2020/04/23/royal-bank-launches-card-for-carers/
I'll still be posting here on Fridays even though I'm officially not working, as I enjoy doing this so much, and it gives me a lovely feeling to know that so many people are reading this and enjoying it.
Thanks for joining me, and stay safe. Mairi
PS. The mouse came back for more shortbread, but he won't be bothering us again.