I had another walk round Arduaine garden yesterday, to make the most of the sunshine while it lasted.
The forecast for today was correct! Not a good day for walking.
As I took photos in the garden I was concentrating on using a shallow depth of field, which helps the eye focus on a small area.
Wouldn't it be good if we could use something like that in everyday life, to help us focus on one thing. It's not always so easy to do, but practicing mindfulness techniques can help.
As I glance out the window I see the patterns of rain running down the glass, and for a minute I am transported back to the back seat of the car as a small child. I always loved going on journeys, and the back seat of the car became another world for me and my sister as we set of on an adventure (in our heads). I used to love to follow the drops of rain as they travelled down the window, wondering which one would reach the bottom first. Simple things.
We all want to be happy, but life can be hard. What can we do to stay positive and find hope even in the face of loss and adversity?
As Chief Business Officer at Google X, Mo Gawdat developed “moonshot” ideas to help make the world a better place. Following the tragic death of his son Ali, Mo began a mission to help people become happier. His Channel 4 interview about this went viral with over 80 million views.
At this unique event by 'Action for Happiness', Mo will reflect on the challenges facing our world and share his secrets for finding silver linings even in a crisis. Mo has discovered that happiness follows a predictable equation and has distilled this into practical actions which are relevant to all of us.
The event will take place on Zoom at 7pm on Wednesday London time (GMT+1)
You can book your place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hope-happiness-with-mo-gawdat-tickets-113067724608
Looks good!
And if you're looking for something to do on a rainy afternoon here's a wee jigsaw from the team at the Rockfield Centre - https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=1ddcf05e5e5f
And if you want a challenge, here's one from me! - https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=2d9db12d26f6
Have fun on this rainy day.