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Enjoying the sunshine.

Writer's picture: Mairi FleckMairi Fleck

I had to pop up to Oban yesterday to deliver some things to the office, and it was lovely to see people sitting in the sun and enjoying being with friends and family again.

If you have to have a staycation I reckon Oban's as good a place as any to do it (when the weather's good!).

It still feels very strange to be 'out and about', and the constant hand sanitising and mask wearing doesn't really make me want to rush back into lots of shops and restaurants. I've got used to this simpler life, with less consumerism, which does make we wonder how so many small businesses will survive.

Having the imagination to reinvent things is definitely a great gift, and I'm fortunate to have a mind full of ideas. I know I'm also fortunate to enjoy a challenge, (and have a tendency to make things difficult for myself even when I don't need to), but what do you do if you find yourself up against a brick wall? I know many people will be feeling like that just now.

The internet is your friend now. Get on Google and read some articles, until you find the right one that clicks with you and inspires you. That's easily said of course, but if your mental health is suffering then please ask for help. Take each day at a time and you'll find a way through this. Baby steps are fine.

Here's one article to get you started:

With mask wearing being compulsory from today, here's a useful video from the Scottish Government showing one easy way to make your own -

Making and selling masks is one way that businesses can reinvent themselves, and I'm sure there are lots of seamstresses out there enjoying a new income from sewing masks. I've been buying mine from a friend, who donates the money she makes to a charity for children in India. She uses the loveliest fabrics, and I think is struggling to keep up with the demand now, from something that started off as a way to help her friends. And while I don't particularly like wearing them, I am starting to get a small collection, like the latest fashion accessory!

There's information on the Home Page of our website for people who are unable to wear masks for many different reasons, and a link to exemption cards to print off at home.

If you're unable to print at home please get in touch with a member of staff from the Centre, and we will be happy to print something off and post it out to you.

And here's a link to the Hidden Disabilities Lanyard Scheme:

For £1.50 these cards with lanyards look really good.

Amazingly it's Friday again! Another week has whizzed by. I'm delighted that my Zoom Groups are going really well, and more people are joining in each week. It makes such a difference to me knowing that I'm helping people again.

I hope your weekend is filled with sunshine and time with those you love, even it's virtual.




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North Argyll Carers Centre, Albany Street, Oban, PA34 4AL
Reg. Charity No: SCO40902    Company No: SC362935
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