What a lovely day yesterday turned out to be, and it was all go as I walked up the other side of the loch. My friend had just launched his boat, a wee beauty that he built himself, and a small group of local worthies sat watching on the grassy bank, spaced apart of course, as they discussed the goings on. Yet again my long lens came in handy. It's becoming my go to lens now, as I don't even think about getting close for photographs. It's lucky I have it!
I wandered on, stopping for the occasional chat over the fence with neighbours, and ended up on the little beach that leads to the heronry. I'm fascinated by these big prehistoric sounding birds, and I watched with amusement as they flew to the tops of the trees, and wobbled about trying to balance precariously. Too far away for my long lens though - I need an even longer one! (And a Lottery win to pay for it)
I loved this:
And here's the latest information about wearing a mask -
Can't believe it's 'Fish Friday' already. There'll be no socially distanced wine drinking in the garden tonight though.
Hope the sun comes back for the weekend.
Stay safe, see you on Monday.