Current Vacancies
Do you want to make a positive difference to the lives of unpaid carers in North Argyll?
North Argyll Carers Centre is seeking Trustees to join our Board.
Who we are: North Argyll Carers Centre is a value-based independent charity, and for 15 years we have been providing person-centred emotional and practical support to unpaid carers, living in Oban, Lorn and the Isles.
An unpaid carers is someone who, on an unpaid basis, looks after a family member or friend who could not manage without their help because of illness, disability, frailty or addiction.
Our service is available to all carers from the age of 5 upwards, and in addition to individual 1:1 support, we offer a broad range of fun and relaxing activities, including a variety of regular in-person and on-line groups, day trips and residential experiences. We also support carers with access to short breaks, stress relieving therapies, counselling, and a tailored young carers service.
We are well recognised as the one-stop-shop for carers in North Argyll and are able to use our experience and reputation to ensure that the voices of our unpaid carers are heard at a local and national level.
What will your role as at Trustee at North Argyll Carers Centre be?
Trustees are responsible for the charity’s governance. They oversee its operation, giving strategic direction to the Manager, ensuring the charity fulfils its charitable purposes, has sufficient funds to support its activities, meets its legal obligations and is administered effectively. They are accountable for its activities and outcomes.
It is an exciting time to join our Board as, after 15 years of operation, we feel it is time to review and refresh our vision, mission and strategic plan. You will play an essential role in helping us shape the future of the organisation to ensure that we can continue to provide a relevant, supportive and valued service to carers over the next 15 years and beyond.
We hold 6 full Board meetings a year, usually on the second Thursday of the month at 4pm. Meetings are mostly in-person but we can also support remote attendance. Some in-person attendance will be required.
Who are we looking for?
We are looking for individuals with the skills and experience to complement our existing trustees and guide our successful organisation into the next phase of development.
Previous experience on a board is preferred but not essential. We are open to applications from people who have not served on a board before and will offer mentoring and support in skills development to enable full participation as a trustee. We would welcome applications from people with lived experience including as a young carer.
As part of our Board development we wish to expand the Board. We therefore have a number of vacancies. We are particularly interested in recruiting Board Members with:
legal experience including in charity and employment law,
experience as a company secretary – this is a vacant role at present
a background in social care, learning and development or HR
What do you get out of being a North Argyll Carers Centre Trustee?
This is an unpaid, voluntary role and we want to ensure you feel engaged and involved and that you are getting something out of your time with us. Being a Trustee is a great way to ‘give something back’ while developing your skills in leadership, influencing, debating, negotiating, strategic and organisational planning.
You will have the opportunity to meet and learn from people who may have very different professional backgrounds and life experiences to your own.
We provide an induction pack for new Trustees to help you feel settled in quickly and will buddy you up with an existing member of the Board. As a Network Partner of Carers Trust our Trustees can also access training and development opportunities through Carers Trust as well as peer support from other Trustees across the country through the Trustee Forum.
If you are interested in joining us please email info@northargyllcarers.org.uk with a brief outline of your background and skills to request an application pack.
For more information on the organisation please check our Facebook page and website www.northargyllcarers.org.uk
This is an open-ended recruitment as we are keen to find the right people.
North Argyll Carers Centre’s commitment to Equal Opportunities is reflected in our selection process.
North Argyll Carers Centre is a registered Scottish Charity No SC040902 and is a company limited by guarantee and registered in Scotland No. SC362935