Carers Support Plans
Carer Support Plans
Under the Carers (Scotland) Act all unpaid carers are entitled to a carer support plan. For adults this is called an Adult Carer Support Plan and for young carers it is known as a Young Carer Statement. This plan is an important way of identifying your needs as an unpaid carer.
When you register with us you will be allocated a Carer Support Worker, who will arrange a good time to meet you to have an informal discussion about your caring role. You'll discuss the kind of caring you are carrying out, how many hours' care you provide, other caring services that might be involved, if you have a Self-Directed Support budget, other relevant agencies you might be in touch with, how you are feeling, what you are doing to give yourself some 'time out' and how caring is affecting your life.
You could also discuss other things that you might want to consider as an unpaid carer. Do you need advice and support with putting Power of Attorney in place or emergency planning? Would Respite Care help you recharge your batteries? Is there a support group nearby you could join?
The whole conversation is about making sure you feel informed and supported. We can make sure you are receiving everything you are entitled to and support you as a carer. It is important to look after your own wellbeing so your Carer Support Worker will give you some time to think about what would help you to ensure you can have time for yourself alongside your caring role.